Preisverleihungen am 8. Frühjahrskongress 2024
Preise für die drei besten «Freien Mitteilungen» gestiftet von der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine Innere Medizin (SGAIM)
1. Preis (Preisgeld CHF 3'000)
«Smarter Medicine guidelines: an effective tool to reduce proton-pump inhibitor overprescription in Switzerland?», François Panosetti
2. Preis (Preisgeld CHF 2'000)
«Prevalence and predictors of fatigue two years into the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional population-based study in Geneva, Switzerland», Clément Graindorge
3. Preis (Preisgeld CHF 1'000)
«Prevalence of Critical Errors and Insufficient Peak Inspiratory Flow in Patients Hospitalized with Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study», Gael Grandmaison
Preise für die drei besten Poster gestiftet von der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine Innere Medizin (SGAIM)
1. Preis (Preisgeld CHF 3'000)
«Cluster-Randomized Trial of Checklist-guided Shared Decision-Making for Code Status Discussions in Medical Inpatients», Christoph Becker
2. Preis (Preisgeld CHF 2'000)
«Long term efficacy outcomes of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) for smoking cessation: 12- and 24- months follow-up of the Efficacy, Safety and Toxicology of ENDS (ESTxENDS) randomized controlled trial», Anna Schoeni
3. Preis (Preisgeld CHF 1'000)
«Implementation of a checklist to structure interprofessional daily ward rounds to improve adherence to standards of care», Sara I. Gironda Cuéllar
Preise für die drei besten Poster junger Forschenden gestiftet vom Schweizerischen Ärzteverlag EMH
1. Preis (Preisgeld CHF 1'000)
«Transformative Learning and Professional Identity Development During Medical Students' Clerkships: A qualitative study», Paola Tosto
2. Preis (Preisgeld CHF 500)
«How to measure medical students’ empathy during OSCEs?», Aurelia Hepner
3. Preis (Preisgeld CHF 250)
«How to stimulate clinical reasoning among pre-clerkship medical students– a near peer led board game», Léonie Palomeras
Link zum Abstractbook des 8. SGAIM Frühjahrskongresses